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Opening Hours

Monday 8.00am - 6.30pm
Tuesday 8.00am - 6.30pm
Wednesday 8.00am - 6.30pm
Thursday 8.00am - 6.30pm
 Friday 8.00am - 6.30pm

From Monday to Friday each day we offer a combination of pre-bookable and book on the day appointments for both morning and evening sessions for Doctors and Advanced Nurse Practitioners.  Practice Nurse appointments can be booked in advanced, please contact the surgery to book an appointment.

Out of Hours

If you require urgent medical help when the surgery is closed please telephone the surgery on 0151 426 5569 you will then be automatically diverted to our out of hours provider St Helens Rota. The out hours provider can offer medical advice over the phone. They can also give you an appointment to visit their Primary Care  Centre to be seen by the doctor on duty, if it they think it is necessary they can provide home visits.

In the event of any problems with the surgery automated system, our out of hours provider can be contacted directly on 01744 673800


Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency